Hey guys!
Man has it been a long time! Having a really busy year, but what with it being Armageddon month, I thought I ought to tell you all how my goals for the year are going. A little update on Armageddon: I have school production that weekend, so I will only be attending Armageddon on the Monday. I'll be there for the contest, but I don't know if I should enter it... But anyway, I'll update you on my progress with Cait Sith soon enough. I'm in a bit of a rush, less than three weeks!!!
Anyway, here is one among the many many projects I have completed since I last wrote here. I have a friend that we call Pikachu. We call him this because he saw an empty light socket backstage at the theatre I act at and he stuck his finger in it while it was live. Luckily he only got a small shock, but he has paid for it dearly since in many bad electrical puns. But to cut a long story short, I had to make him a Pikachu hat!
Materials: Yellow fleece, black felt, red corduroy (literally stuff I just had lying around spare) and oversized black buttons.
This was so easy to make. I didn't line it or anything. Just two semicircles, I actually sewed the ear triangles into it straight away before putting them together and stuffing them, and I sewed them on the outside (that's why they look like they have outlines). In fact, I probably cut the ears a little bigger than my instructions say. The black pieces I cut afterwards. The red cheeks look like octagons because this was the best way I could get it to sit right folded in on itself (the material frayed very easily so I absolutely had to double up the edges). To be honest I didn't approach this one very scientifically, I just did whatever dimensions felt right. It actually ended up a little too big for his head, but it still looked kawaii ^_^
More posts to come!!
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